Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What's Your Story - Recap

by Tim Hoerr

The group participation and interaction in the most recent MERGE workshop – What’s Your Story? – was some of these best I’ve experienced in a seminar/workshop setting.  I really enjoyed hearing pieces of several folks’ life stories throughout the morning-long session, gaining new insights into how the Lord shapes and interacts with our individual stories.  The Spirit was present as participants actively engaged in discussion, wrestled with the personal exercises and shared their discoveries with each other.

The profound truth that each of us does indeed have a story – and a meaningful, irreplaceable one at that – never ceases to grip me in a powerful way.  Importantly, our stories are meant to integrate with, support, and impact the stories of those around us.  That’s the beauty of God’s design for authentic community – that each of us “get to play” in His bigger story, as we connect with and love on others.  I was really encouraged to see this in action during the workshop!

Finally, it was obvious that the Lord was doing something with a lot of workshop participants in regards to risk-taking.  Of all the topics covered, this one seemed to resonate most strongly.  Risk is central to the life of faith – and God seems to always be inviting us to take steps of risk in our journeys. Sometimes small, sometimes large.  I believe that risk-taking is at the center of God conforming us to His image and inviting us into His story.  How will we each respond to his invitation?

Thanks to Tim for sharing this workshop with us. For all of those that joined us, please use the comments section of the blog to share your experience.