There is a lot of focus on money today and the value of the dollar. Our exchange rate for our U.S. currency appears dismal. There is another exchange that can be equally dismal. What did we exchange our life for? God created us in his image and we exchanged that for a lie of being like him, we already were. Jesus exchanged his heavenly position for humanity in order to save the world. We exchange our worldview for a Biblical view to believe in Him. We exchange death for life again. We exchange a life of bad choices for a life of transformation that brings abundant life. We exchange our comfort to reach out to those who do not have. The amazing thing is our exchange when choosing life, or Jesus, will always be better than what we give up. Because Jesus paid it all!
Business is an exchange of products or services for money. When we build products and services that transform the universe then we are showing love and doing the work of the Father. We then have the opportunity with the wealth that we have accumulated to show the generous heart of the Father. Our personal story and business story can be in alignment with God's story. We also get to exchange our fallen story for God's story. It's the story that Hollywood unknowingly writes about. Where good triumphs over evil, where people find love, where lives are transformed, where ugliness is transformed into something unexpectedly beautiful.
I think about so many young people that graduate college and have great hopes and desires to change the world. They have a passion written on their heart, college has equipped them, and they are ready to go. Usually, it doesn't take too long before they are kicked in the teeth by the world and many exchange their passion and gifting for making money. Then their lives become getting to the quickest retirement plan possible so they can do what they want to do and what they want to do has now been exchanged for rest, relaxation and parties. Where did their passions and big ideas go, they exchanged them for a lie. How do we avoid it?
We have to exchange our worldview for a biblical view. We have to know the greatest story of all and how it continues to unfold in front of us. We have to know the heart of our creator or "Abba" Father. We need to engage in a relationship with him, the author of our life, and ask Him to unfold the story of our life so we can live it. It's a daily process, it's an incredible journey.
C.S. Lewis was great at telling stories that so mirrored the story of Jesus. In an article by Eric Metaxas, he discusses that C.S. Lewis didn't intentionally write these stories to push an agenda, it came out of his biblical worldview. He understood the story. So much of our worldview is formed by cynism from television and our story becomes skewed. We need to exchange our worldview for a biblical worldview and out of that will flow stories that reflect the greatest story ever told.
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