Giving and the church always seems to be an uncomfortable topic. For those of us in the workplace sometimes we feel like a big paycheck for the church or that the church is just another one of our kids asking for their allowance. Although the church is being more prescriptive about it, there is a 10% and above expectation. For some we may attend churches where we aren't really sure of the budget and aren't trusting leadership. Sometimes it feels like money is the main point of connectivity because a lot of what is preached from the pulpit, I can apply it to my life or not. But when it comes to money, I feel like they are directly talking to me. If you are someone who has one of these thoughts or maybe giving is just an obligation. I would like to challenge our uncomfortability.
If we only believe that people who work in the church have God given purposes than the topic of money because of point of contention. We are all called to the mission field and most of us are called to the workplace. If you want to know more about this, check out the MERGE events on for more information on workplace calling.
We as leaders in the workplace have a great capacity to make and accumulate wealth. Let's read that again, we as leaders in the workplace have a great capacity to make and accumulate wealth.
But to what end are we making money? We have believed the lie that it is for our comfort and reward and while God wants us to prosper he also wants us to partner with Him in the Kingdom. So we have distorted the value of money by overusing it for our own good. And we have exchanged something that was supposed to bring life to others as well as ourselves for something we now serve.
Even money can be reconciled back to God. We can say thank you to God through our generosity, we can show the love and generosity of the Father as we give to others, and our generosity translates into others hearing the good news and the Kingdom advancing. Look at the following verses:
For you know the grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ, that although he was rich, he became poor for
your sakes, so that you by his poverty could become rich. II Cor. 8:9
God is able to make all grace overflow to you so that because you have
enough of everything in every way at all times, you will overflow in
every good work. II Cor. 9:8
When we change our heart and our thinking about money, than we will experience great freedom in our finances. Then I believe there is a next step that God wants us to take. I believe He's calling us to be financial partners in the Kingdom. In a sense, you can become a Kingdom Venture Capitalists.
We have been given the wealth of the world to finance the Kingdom. Why wouldn't we want to be a part of this? Do you want to be stewards of God's finances? Then let's say yes to give.
Things we can practically do:
1) Go to God and 'say yes' to what He has for you.
2) Ask for creative ways to partner with Him in the Kingdom both through finances and through your workplace setting.
3) Talk to your pastor or church leadership about how to connect at this level.
4) Watch expectantly for God's blessing in this area.
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