Sunday, January 18, 2015

Leadership of One

Leadership of One 

I believe God has given me a phrase for the beginning of 2015 and that is the concept of "the Leadership of One." Before we lead others, the tens, hundreds, and thousands, we have to ask ourselves how well do we lead ourselves? As I have pondered this topic and shared with several people, it has seemed to resonate with everyone. I decided to put more legs to it and also to take it very seriously for my life this year. Let me know what you think and if you would add others. They aren't in any particular order.

Let's assess:
How are you doing in each of these categories? Rank from 1 to 10
  • Quiet Time - How is your relationship with God? You cannot give away what you don't have or get from God? In order to do your life the best way that God has for us, is getting the secrets from our Heavenly Father (Daddy) in our secret place. Let's make a regular schedule of going to our secret place.
  • Self Image/Image - How do you feel about yourself? What message is your image giving? Is that in line with what you wanted your image to say? Do you need an upgrade? Do you need to hear some more about identity and who you are? (We need to get this one!)
  • Personal Responsibility - what commitments have you made and are keeping my word. This discipline or practice will improve our integrity. Do we understand fully what is expected of us? Let's start the responsibility with asking the question, what is expected?
  • Time Management - How well do you manage your time? Do you feel you are not productive enough? Do you feel like you gets lots done but don't get much rest and relaxation? 
  • Personal Finances - Are you stewarding your money well? Do you pay your bills on time? Are you keeping debt free or working towards getting out of debt? Do you have a budget in place? Are you following it?
  • Personal Health - How are you feeling? Are you keeping up with regular check-ups? Getting those regular procedures that are uncomfortable but will save your life? Do you have a healthy diet? Do you have an exercise program or schedule? Don't take this one for granted. If we don't have healthy bodies, it makes it difficult to do all that God has for us and enjoy all the blessings He has for us. (I'm stepping this one up this year, myself!)
  • Relationships - How are your family, friends, co-workers, peers? Do you spend enough time with those you care for? Do you have appropriate boundaries? Do you need to call someone, go to lunch, schedule a date? Are we busy when we talk to those we care about, are we expressing how much we love the people in our life or do you hope they just know.
  • Professional Life - How well do you do your work? Look at your job description. Are you doing the minimums or do you surpass what is expected of you? If you were to leave your position, how many people would need to replace you? I always think it should be more than one.
  • Environment - How are your surroundings: home, work, cars? Are they clean and safe? Having a decluttered life can do a lot for our mood. Clean out the junk, put things in their place, don't waste time hunting for things, and put things in their place. Can you do anything to improve your space? Wipe things down, paint, paintings, etc. Don't discount this one, space that is welcoming and produces an appropriate mood can make us more productive, more relaxed, and more expectant in hearing from God.

How did you do? This first time through let's see these numbers as a baseline or a benchmark. We now have a starting point. Let's go back through the list and write a plan for those that need improvement. Take that list and which three do you want to work on for the next month. Reassess monthly, make a plan, pick three to improve. Let's see how the year goes.

Why is this important?
A lot of times, we look at how we can lead groups of people without looking at how well we lead ourselves. Even if you have been leading more than yourself, it is wise to do a self-assessment to stay sharp. The best leadership we can offer others is to be the best example. Often we lead with words and not with actions. Let's strengthen ourselves and let our lives be the example. 

For those of us that are not in position of leadership, this is where leadership starts. Do you hate to be micro-managed? Maybe we need to ask ourselves how well we are leading ourselves. If we did a better job in these areas maybe we would find that our leaders and managers in our life would back off the micro-managing. Nevertheless, you will feel better about yourself to be excellent at your work and to excel in all things.

Regardless of position, we work as if we are working unto the Lord.

Colossians 3:22-25 (MSG)
22-25 Servants, do what you’re told by your earthly masters. And don’t just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best. Work from the heart for your real Master, for God, confident that you’ll get paid in full when you come into your inheritance. Keep in mind always that the ultimate Master you’re serving is Christ. The sullen servant who does shoddy work will be held responsible. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t cover up bad work.

Ephesians 6:5-8 (MSG)
5-8 Servants, respectfully obey your earthly masters but always with an eye to obeying the real master, Christ. Don’t just do what you have to do to get by, but work heartily, as Christ’s servants doing what God wants you to do. And work with a smile on your face, always keeping in mind that no matter who happens to be giving the orders, you’re really serving God. Good work will get you good pay from the Master, regardless of whether you are slave or free.