Sunday, January 13, 2013

Finding Your Business Purpose

Don't you just love it when you find something that describes the essence of what you do?  Whether it is found in history by someone that preceded you in success or something so profound that you stumble upon or maybe it was your life motto and it's become real. 

I found that in Scripture, rather God gave it to me in Scripture.  This is a verse that I would sing in youth group in the 80's.  Something my youth pastor came up with and I never heard anywhere else.  One day I woke up singing it and it happened to be on a day when I was facilitating a business lunch.  It is perfect for the heart and soul of what MERGE is:

Psalm 1:1-3 (NET)

How blessed is the one who does not follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand in the pathway with sinners,
or sit in the assembly of scoffers!
Instead he finds pleasure in obeying the Lord’s commands;
he meditates on his commands day and night.
He is like a tree planted by flowing streams;
it yields its fruit at the proper time,
and its leaves never fall off.
He succeeds in everything he attempts.

I love it in every version and struggle with which one to use.  But this verse is perfect for MERGE and perfect for business owners/professionals.  In fact, this verse is on a picture hanging in my dad's office that I gave him, it's one where a business man is consulting with Jesus.  When I gave it to him almost 20 years ago, I didn't realize the significance in the verse or in what I would be doing. 

How powerful is this scripture:  
  • We are blessed when we don't follow the advice of the wicked (I would even say the world)...that must mean that God has something different planned for us.  
  • We can delight in his commands and look to scripture to find our counsel.  When we talk about reading Scripture from a marketplace lens, it applies here.
  • Before, I looked at it from the standpoint of not hanging out with wicked people but obeying the Lord's commands.  I missed the grace and promise of verse 3.  If you think about a tree, they aren't doing any work, just soaking in the refreshment of the flowing streams.  Isn't that what a life with knowing Jesus is all about, He did the work, we are to drink it in.  There is rest in this promise. 
  • If we ground or plant ourselves by the instruction of Jesus through the Holy Spirit than we will prosper, we will be fruitful.  We will succeed in "Everything we attempt", The Message says "bearing fruit every month, never dropping a leaf, always in blossom", NASB says "whatever he does, he prospers."... Who wants that?  Count me in!  Praise Jesus.
 So MERGE business owners, professionals, leaders if you don't have a business verse, I will share mine.  It's yours until Jesus lays something else on your heart, but take heart, plant yourself in a relationship with Him and be prepared to succeed in everything you attempt.  Much blessing.

Personally, I'm very grateful for what the author of my life put on my heart over thirty years ago.  He did it in such a creative way and keeps showing me my path.  We serve a great and amazing God!

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