Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Your 2013 story - part 1 of 2

I've been thinking a lot about the power of story or testimonies.  We put stories of people that use our products on our websites.  We love being able to go home in the evening and think about how what we do changed or impacted the life of someone.  I remember my State Farm days and how they used stories to form culture.  Whether we were talking about the founder, G.J. Mecherle, and his story and vision for the company or the numerous stories of lives that were impacted after a major disaster and your neighborhood State Farm Agent was there.  Or how the 1980's AT&T commercials left you crying in less than 60 seconds because it was about people's stories being told across the phone wires.  If AT&T can move us with in 60 seconds to "reach out and touch someone", what is your story doing for you? 

Most recently coming from a church setting we use stories and testimonies to glorify God and for faith to rise up.  This isn't any different than the businessowner that wants faith in a service or product to rise up in their customers or potential customers.  But we don't often think about it as a way to glorify God because it's a business setting.  Your marketplace vocation is your full time ministry.  Creating products and services that meets the needs of people is ministry.  Creating jobs for people to meet the needs of their families is ministry.  Solving problems is ministry.  We glorify God when all these things and more are in motion.  As business leaders we have access to the greatest partner, God.  Are you engaging with Him on your business matters?  Are you co-creating with the greatest creator of all times?  What story are you writing for 2013?

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